A World of Opportunity

6th Grade Course Synopses

Grade 6 Course Synopsis
Frelinghuysen Middle School
Grade 6
Course Synopsis
All of the FMS curricula align with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.


Students have two options for 6th grade: Math 6A, and Math 6 Honors. Both focus on the following key content areas as described in the NJSLS. Math 6 Honors takes a deeper look into the topics:

1) Students use reasoning about multiplication and division to solve ratio and rate problems about quantities. 2) Students use the meaning of fractions, the meanings of multiplication and division, and the relationship between multiplication and division to understand and explain why the procedures for dividing fractions make sense. 3) Students understand the use of variables in mathematical expressions. They write expressions and equations that correspond to given situations, evaluate expressions, and use expressions and formulas to solve problems. 4) Building on and reinforcing their understanding of number, students begin to develop their ability to think statistically. 

LANGUAGE ARTSLanguage Arts 6 is an integrated study of reading and writing that builds on previously acquired skills. The purpose of the program is to develop students’ competencies in reading and writing with a variety of texts while encouraging their life-long interest in all of the language arts as they gain insights into the world around them.  Reading instruction is based on genre based units that progress by marking period.  The units are: Realistic Fiction, Memoir, Historical Fiction, and Folktales, Fables and Fairytales.   Writing instruction is linked to topics and issues arising from reading texts and encourages students to address all aspects of the writing process.

Goals: 1) To comprehend texts across a broad sampling as both readers and writers,  2) To identify and expand knowledge of literary elements,  3) To identify and compare themes across multiple texts, 4) To recognize, appreciate and manipulate literary devices and figurative language, 5) To read for a variety of purposes, and recognize and employ a variety of purposes for writing, 6) To utilize a variety of pre-writing and drafting strategies for writing personal narratives, informational essays, and persuasive pieces, 7) To enhance created texts through revision and editing for spelling, usage, and punctuation,  8) To develop and exercise higher order thinking skills in evaluating texts,  9) To encourage a love of reading and writing both as a learning tool and entertainment.



The sixth grade social studies curriculum challenges students to use learning from the study of the United States following the American Revolution to analyze and solve current issues. Students work through project-oriented challenges within four units: A New Republic; Growth of a Nation; A Country Divided; and Active Citizenship.

Goals:  1) To read for content mastery, 2) To develop skills for life, 3) To use the Internet to explore American history resources, 4) To explore types of writing, 5) To describe the foundation of our government and the creation of the US Constitution, 6) To describe the aftermath of the Revolution and the causes of American expansion, 7) To study the growth of the United States in size, population, economic productivity, and international stature, between 1820 and 1860, 8) To verify the most divisive and brutal era in American history, the Civil War, 9) To understand the role that active citizens have in the 21st century, 10) To measure critical thinking skills.  

SCIENCEIn the sixth grade, students study Earth Science. Students will explore cross cutting concepts across science disciplines in an inquiry learning environment.   The material covered in these areas will be a foundation for success in subsequent science courses.

Goals: 1) To develop scientifically literate students who understand how science, technology and society influence one another,  2) To use critical thinking, decision-making, and  investigation, 3) To develop skills such as observing, classifying, measuring, recording, predicting, making references, investigating, decision–making and communicating, 4) To integrate math and science with an emphasis on meaningful real-life applications, 5) To foster the development of life skills, such as time management, social interactions and organizations

WORLD LANGUAGEThe grade six Spanish, French and Italian course is the first year of a three-year language program.  The program’s philosophy is to provide an emphasis in all four communicative areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as well as an overview of the culture.

Goals: 1) To communicate at a beginning level in Spanish, French and Italian, 2) To demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationship between language and culture.

6th - 8th World Language Curriculum