7th Grade Course Synopses
Grade 7 Course Synopsis
Frelinghuysen Middle School
All of the FMS curricula align with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.
Students traditionally have two options for 7th grade: Math 7A, and Math 7 Honors. Both focus on the following key content areas as described in the Math 7 NJSLS:
(1) developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships; (2) developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations; (3) solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume; and (4) drawing inferences about populations based on samples.
Math 7 Honors continues to cover the following key content areas as described in the Math 8 NJSLS:
(1) formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; (2) grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; (3) analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.
After successfully completing Math 7 Honors students are prepared for Algebra 1.
Students who are performing very well in grade 6 in class, and testing above grade level may be eligible to take Algebra 1 in 7th grade.;
Algebra 1 cover the following key content areas as described in the High School NJSLS:
1) Reason quantitatively and use units to solve problems (2) Write and interpret expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems (3) Understand solving equations, inequalities, and systems as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning. Represent equations and inequalities graphically (4) Understand the concept of function and use function notation. Interpret functions in applications, and analyze functions using different representations (5) Build new functions from existing functions, and build functions that models a relationship between two quantities (6) Construct and compare linear and exponential models and solve problems. Interpret expressions for functions in terms of the situation they model (7) Summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count, measurement variable, and on two categorical and quantitative variables. Interpret linear models
e seventh grade language arts curriculum integrates reading and writing, encouraging students to move beyond the basic skills of reading and writing, to deal with abstract concepts and symbolism. As students are guided to appreciate the language and conventions of authors they read, they will sharpen their writing skills by composing, drafting and publishing for a variety of purposes.
Goals: to successfully complete the reading elements of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to: identify characteristics of different genre; utilize reading strategies appropriate to task; adjust reading rate to skim, scan, and read for details; improve fluency; predict outcomes within and beyond the structure of the text; identify, summarize and evaluate elements of fiction; explain main idea with a logical sequence of ideas, details, and reactions; analyze text for purpose, tone and style; support statements and opinions with evidence from the text; enhance inference skills; and compare a variety of works by the same author. To successfully complete the writing elements of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to: use varied techniques to generate ideas for writing; develop and use varied pre-writing activities; use drafting techniques to produce a finished piece of writing; prepare final draft in a manner appropriate for the audience; focus writing to respond to an identifiable purpose; use a style and tone appropriate for the intended audience and purpose; and use correct spelling, punctuation, syntax, and word usage. Reading instruction is based on genre based units that progress by marking period. The units are: Short Story, Narrative Non-Fiction, Fantasy and Historical Fiction.
The 7th grade Social Studies curriculum is divided into six world history units: the Paleolithic and Nomadic Eras; Geography; Religion; Government; Economics; and Society. Emphasis is placed on significant events that have impacted civilizations around the world. Goals: Students will be able to: 1) Read from a variety of primary and secondary sources (fiction and non-fiction) to acquire information, 2) Expand critical thinking skills, 3) Develop and reinforce writing skills in the content area, 4) Expand study and research skills, 5) Gain an understanding of the historical contributions that have shaped society.
This course is designed to introduce the student to the basic concepts, skills and attitudes involved in science. Through a variety of independent units of study the students will be exposed to scientific methodology while completing appropriate laboratory and other hands-on activities. Emphasis will also be placed on safety procedures in the science classroom/laboratory, exposure to collecting, analyzing and interpreting empirical data, as well as developing a sense of appreciation and understanding of scientific contributions from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
Goals: The student will demonstrate the ability to: 1) Work safely and cooperatively in the laboratory, 2) Use the units of the metric system, 3) Apply the scientific method to problem solving, 4) Proficiently use a compound microscope, 5) Utilize the cell theory to investigate living things, 6) Explain how living things function and react/interact with their environment, 7) Use and develop various systems of classification, 8) Recognize the relationship between function, structure and behavior of organisms.
The philosophy of this 2nd year program focuses on increasing students’ ability to speak, listen, and write in the target language. In addition, students’ knowledge of culture and the interrelationship between language and culture is extended. The goals of the 7th grade program are: 1) to further develop oral proficiency skills in order to successfully communicate on a variety of topics in the target language; and 2) to enhance and encourage awareness and appreciation of cultural diversity.