A World of Opportunity

PowerSchool Parent Portal

PowerSchool Parent portal login 

Powerschool & Canvas FAQ

Please follow these steps to create your account:

  1. Go to the following link: https://msdk12.powerschool.com/public
  2. Click the CREATE ACCOUNT tab and then click the CREATE ACCOUNT button.
  3. Enter your first name, last name, email address, desired username, and desired password (must be at least 7 characters long)
  4. Enter the student last name and first name.
  5. Enter the Access ID and Access Password given below:
    • Access ID:
    • Access Password:
  6. Enter your relationship to the student.
  7. Additional children may be entered on the next lines that are currently attending FMS. Enter each student's name, access ID and access password. Press Enter.
  8. You will be redirected to the login screen. If you receive an error message you must correct the error(s) and re-enter the access password for all students listed. Then press Enter.

Download the PowerSchool Mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. District code: DQJJ, then enter the username and password you created above.

If you have any questions or issues while creating your PowerSchool Parent Portal account, please contact Jessica Mota, FMS Guidance Secretary, at Jessica.Mota@msdk12.net